BSN@Home Program expanded its programming to include 7-week courses in the fall and spring semesters.
20th year anniversary of the BSN@Home program – a celebration of this well known, high quality program that has contributed to building a BSN-prepared nursing workforce in Wisconsin and beyond. The program started in 1996 using audiographics, and later to online courses, to innovatively deliver courses to students across the state and areas on bordering states.
BSN@Home receives the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) 2016 Celebration of Excellence Award for Mature Program. The Mature Program award recognizes established credit or noncredit programs that have demonstrated sustained innovation.
Significant increase in student enrollment- 534 students enrolled in fall 2014.
Newly revised BSN curriculum implemented in fall 2014; Development of the new curriculum involved over 30 UW nursing faculty. New core courses were added, including 453 Information Management & Healthcare Technology, and 441 Chronic Care Management.
National initiatives to increase the BSN-prepared workforce to 80% by 2020.
In fall 2013, UW-Stevens Point offers the first nursing course as a new partner in the BSN@Home Program.
10th anniversary of CNP Program and launch of new program name and website: BSN@Home.

Partner Institutions expand curricular options by introducing several electives.
On-line shared database and enrollment management system implemented.
Audiographics courses discontinued-all courses taught online.
Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS)/CNP Articulation Agreement created.

Enrollments increase in Internet courses and decline in audiographics courses.
CNP evaluation shows Internet is the preferred technology.

CNP receives International Teleconferencing Excellence Award for a distance learning educational program from the International Teleconferencing Association.
The first two courses offered in spring 1996 via audiographics.
Enrollment: 73 students.
The program was fully operational with five core nursing courses offered in fall 1996.

BSN@Home Program expanded its programming to include 7-week courses in the fall and spring semesters.
20th year anniversary of the BSN@Home program – a celebration of this well known, high quality program that has contributed to building a BSN-prepared nursing workforce in Wisconsin and beyond. The program started in 1996 using audiographics, and later to online courses, to innovatively deliver courses to students across the state and areas on bordering states.
BSN@Home receives the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) 2016 Celebration of Excellence Award for Mature Program. The Mature Program award recognizes established credit or noncredit programs that have demonstrated sustained innovation.
Significant increase in student enrollment- 534 students enrolled in fall 2014.
Newly revised BSN curriculum implemented in fall 2014; Development of the new curriculum involved over 30 UW nursing faculty. New core courses were added, including 453 Information Management & Healthcare Technology, and 441 Chronic Care Management.
National initiatives to increase the BSN-prepared workforce to 80% by 2020.
In fall 2013, UW-Stevens Point offers the first nursing course as a new partner in the BSN@Home Program.
10th anniversary of CNP Program and launch of new program name and website: BSN@Home.

Partner Institutions expand curricular options by introducing several electives.
On-line shared database and enrollment management system implemented.
Audiographics courses discontinued-all courses taught online.
Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS)/CNP Articulation Agreement created.

Enrollments increase in Internet courses and decline in audiographics courses.
CNP evaluation shows Internet is the preferred technology.

CNP receives International Teleconferencing Excellence Award for a distance learning educational program from the International Teleconferencing Association.
The first two courses offered in spring 1996 via audiographics.
Enrollment: 73 students.
The program was fully operational with five core nursing courses offered in fall 1996.